Our Studies

Current studies

An image of the Mobilise-D logo

Mobilise-D is a 5-year, IMI-funded project that will produce validated and accepted digital mobility outcomes to monitor daily life gait of people with different mobility problems, with the goal to improve follow-up and personalized care.

PI: Prof Lynn Rochester

BAM Team Co-applicants: Prof Alison Yarnall, Dr Silvia Del Din

Funder: EU-IMI & EPFIA

BAM project members: Phil Brown, Dr Lisa Alcock, Heather Hunter, Cam Kirk, Laura Cordova Rivera

An image of the Idea-FAST logo

IDEA-FAST aims to identify digital endpoints that provide reliable, objective and sensitive evaluation of activities of daily life, disability and health related-quality of life for neurodegenerative diseases.

PI: Fai Ng

BAM Team Co-applicants: Prof Lynn Rochester, Prof Alison Yarnall, Dr Silvia Del Din

Funder: EU-IMI & EPFIA

BAM project members: Phil Brown, Heather Hunter, Dr Ellen Silva, Dr Chloe Hinchliffe

An image of the Advancing-PD logo (Adjunctive Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Improving Neural control of Gait in Parkinson's Disease). The logo contains an image of a person walking and a large brain above their head.

A pilot study to assess the safety, tolerability, feasibility and potential effectiveness of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation in people with Parkinson’s.

PI: Prof Alison Yarnall

Funder: Dunhill Medical Trust & Parkinson’s UK

BAM project members: Dr Hilmar P Sigurdsson, Heather Hunter, Phil Brown


A prospective study aimed at understanding the presentation, diagnosis and experience of delirium in inpatients with Parkinson's

PI: Dr Rachael Lawson

BAM Co-applicant: Prof Alison Yarnall

Funder: Parkinson’s UK

BAM project members: Florence Gerakios, Gemma Bate, Lauren Betteridge, Dr Rachel Cullinan, Dr Nicole Edwards

CiC - PD

Understanding medication adherence and its effect on motor function in people with Parkinson's

PI: Dr Silvia Del Din

BAM Co-applicants: Prof Lynn Rochester, Dr Lisa Alcock, Prof Alison Yarnall


BAM project members: Emma Packer

Ghrelin in Dementia

To determine if ghrelin can be used as a biomarker for dementia and neurodegenerative disease

PI: Prof Alison Yarnall

Funder: Weston Brain Institute

BAM project members: Dr Ellen Silva


A double-blind, placebo-controlled, study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 24 weeks treatment with REN001 in patients with Primary Mitochondrial Myopathy

PI: Prof Gráinne Gorman

Funder: Reneo Pharma

BAM project members: Phil Brown, Heather Hunter


A Phase 3 Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Daily Subcutaneous Injections of Elamipretide in Subjects with Primary Mitochondrial Disease Resulting from Pathogenic Nuclear DNA Mutations

PI: Prof Gráinne Gorman

Funder: Stealth BioTherapeutics Inc.

BAM project members: Phil Brown, Heather Hunter


A clinical trial to explore the potential of ondansetron for treating hallucinations in people with Parkinson’s disease

PI: Prof Alison Yarnall

Funder: Parkinson's UK

Project members: Ann McNichol


A trial to investigate the effect on overall health and functioning in patients with Lewy body dementia of memantine as an add-on treatment to a cholinesterase inhibitor

PI: Prof Alison Yarnall

Funder: MIHR HTA

Project members: Kathryn Walker


Investigating the social and environmental contexts of habitual walking ACTIVities in older adult DYADs

PI: Dr Ríona Mc Ardle

Funder: The Art of Healthy Ageing Network, with the UKRI

BAM project members: Jenny Wales

An image of the OACS-3 logo. The logo is a leaf over a triangle with OACS-3 written on it.

To determine if bile acid therapy can be used to manage mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson/s disease

PI: Prof Alison Yarnall

Funder: Intercept Pharmaceuticals

Project members: Kathryn Walker


Identifying modifiable psychosocial outcomes to maintain physical ACTIVity and promote independence in DEMentia

PI: Dr Ríona Mc Ardle

Funder: NIHR

BAM project members: Jenny Wales

An image of the DynaMo-PD logo. The logo contains an image of a brain and three lines coming away from it which point to cartoons of a pair of feet, a lightbulb in a head and a medical cross.

Developing a dynamic FDG-PET/MR imaging methodology to study gait in Parkinson's

PI: Prof Lynn Rochester

BAM Co-applicant: Dr Lisa Alcock

Funder: Parkinson’s UK

BAM project members: Dr Hilmar P Sigurdsson, Phil Brown

MJFF Project

Measuring what matters – in whom it matters – ensuring diversity and equity in Parkinson’s disease research and care

PI: Prof Katie Brittain

Funder: Michael J Fox Foudation

BAM project members: Prof Lynn Rochester, Dr Ríona Mc Ardle, Megan Hanrahan, Jack Lumsdon

Transforming the Objective Real-world measUrement of Symptoms (TORUS)

Directors: Prof Ian Craddock, Prof Lynn Rochester

Funder: EPSRC

BAM PIs: Dr Silvia Del Din, Prof Alison Yarnall

BAM Team members: Dr Lisa Alcock, Dr Kirsty Scott, Dr Chloe Hinchliffe

NU Accelerator Award

Resting State Networks-LBD

Affective symptoms in Lewy body disease: Monoaminergic activity and resting state networks

PI: Dr Rachael Lawson

Funder: Alzheimer’s Research UK

BAM Team Co-applicants: Dr Laura Wright

Transforming Parkinson’s Care in Africa (TraPCAf)

PI: Prof Richard Walker

Funder: NIHR

BAM PIs: Prof Lynn Rochester, Dr Silvia Del Din

BAM Team Members: Dr Ríona Mc Ardle, Dr Cameron Kirk, Metin Bicer, Jack Lumsdon

Measuring what matters: A cross cultural mapping of the meaningfulness of validated digital mobility outcomes in people with Parkinson’s disease in Africa

PI: Dr Ríona McArdle

Funder: Newcastle University’s Centre for Transformative Neuroscience Accelerator Award.

BAM Project Members: Prof. Lynn Rochester, Jack Lumsdon, Megan Hanrahan

Ongoing studies

An image of the ICICLE-PD logo

ICICLE-PD aims to better understand the mechanisms determining the transition from Parkinson’s disease to Parkinson's dementia in an incident cohort

CI: Prof David Burn

BAM Co-applicants: Prof Lynn Rochester,Prof Alison Yarnall

Funder: Parkinson’s UK

BAM project members: Dr Rachael Lawson


ICICLE-Gait aims to examine the utility of gait as a surrogate marker of cognitive decline in idiopathic Parkinson's disease

PI: Prof Lynn Rochester

Funder: Parkinson’s UK

BAM project members: Dr Lisa Alcock, Dr Silvia Del Din


What can Gait Analysis tell us about Dementia and its Subtypes? An Integrated Study of Brain and Behaviour

PI: Prof Lynn Rochester

Funder: Alzheimer’s Society

BAM project members: Dr Ríona Mc Ardle, Philip Brown, Dr Lisa Alcock


A pilot study to determine the prevalence of delirium in inpatients with Parkinson's

PI: Dr Rachael Lawson

Funder: Parkinson's UK

BAM project members: Prof Alison Yarnall


Randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, adaptive design trial of the efficacy of acipimox in patients with mitochondrial myopathy

PI: Prof Gráinne Gorman

Funder: MRC - Developmental Pathway Funding Stream(DPFS)

BAM project members: Dr Lisa Alcock, Prof Lynn Rochester, Heather Hunter, Phil Brown


Determining whether neuropsychiatric symptoms predict cognitive decline in Lewy body diseases, and their associations with brain networks

PI: Dr Rachael Lawson

Funder: Lewy body Society

BAM project members: Prof Alison Yarnall, Dr Laura Wright

FDG PET & Gait

Developing a dynamic FDG-PET/MR imaging methodology to study gait in ageing and neurodegenerative disease

PI: Prof Lynn Rochester

Funder: GE Healthcare

BAM project members: Dr Lisa Alcock, Dr Hilmar P Sigurdsson, Phil Brown

DELIRIUM-PD: Activity and Sleep

A prospective study using wearable sensors to identify activity and sleep patterns in inpatients with delirium and Parkinson’s disease

PI: Dr Rachael Lawson

Funder: DiMEN DTP

BAM project members: Prof Alison Yarnall, Dr Silvia Del Din, Gemma Bate

Collaborative work


A randomised, double blind, parallel group, placebo controlled, Phase 3 trial of Exenatide as a potential disease modifying treatment for Parkinson’s disease

PI: Prof Lynn Rochester

Funder: Cure Parkinson’s

BAM project members: Prof Alison Yarnall, Dr Silvia Del-Din


PI: Prof Lynn Rochester

Funder: MRC

BAM project members: Dr Silvia Del-Din

PPMI 2.0

A longitudinal, observational, multi-centre natural history study to assess progression of clinical features, digital outcomes, and imaging, biologic and genetic markers of Parkinson's disease (PD) progression

PI: Prof Nicola Pavese

Funder: Michael J Fox Foundation

BAM project members: Prof Alison Yarnall


Cholinergic biomarkers of response to treatment in PD-MCI and LB-MCI

PI: Prof John-Paul Taylor

Funder: Lewy body Society

BAM project members: Prof Alison Yarnall, Dr Lisa Alcock


A comprehensive and integrated research programme to help older people retain their independence for longer and push back the threshold of disability

PI: Professor Ngaire Kerse

Funders: University of Otago - Ageing Well National Science Challenge

BAM project members: Dr Silvia Del-Din


A feasibility study to assess determining a muscle health index from wearable sensors validated with MRI metrics.

PI: Dr Annette Pantall

Funders: WT + RCR

BAM project members: Dr Lisa Alcock, Naveed E Saba


A study to develop a smart sock (MyoSock) with embedded sensors to monitor muscle health.

PI: Dr Annette Pantall


BAM project members: Dr Lisa Alcock, Naveed E Saba

EPSRC Northern Health Futures Hub (NortHFutures) involves six regional universities, seven regional NHS Foundation Trust and 50+ partners, including regional, national, and global companies; health and care providers

BAM PI: Dr Silvia Del Din

Funder: EPSRC

Protocol advisors for gait assessment and data interpretation

Gait & balance outcomes in patients with SCA6

This study aims to better understand which changes to gait are caused by degeneration of the cerebellum (as seen in SCA6), and which are caused by other co- existing symptoms of mitochondrial disease

PI: Dr Yi Ng

Funders: Ataxia UK

BAM project members: Dr Lisa Alcock


The COS2 clinical outcome study is evaluating a large group of dysferlinopathy patients to build upon and validate the findings of the first COS study.

PI: Professor Volker Straub

Funders: Jain Foundation

BAM project members: Dr Lisa Alcock

Ataxia in Mito

This study aims to measure and track cerebellar ataxia in patients with mitochondrial disease

PI: Dr Yi Ng

Funders: Academy of Medical Sciences

BAM project members: Dr Lisa Alcock

Data sharing statement

Data sharing on current and and completed projects may be available. If you are interested in sharing data, please contact the study PI.