Feasibility of developing a low-cost non-invasive wearable device to detect sarcopenia

Funder: Newcastle University Wellcome Trust Translational Partnership

Chief Investigator: Dr Annette Pantall

Contact: Annette Pantall


Sarcopenia is an age-related disease characterised by loss of muscle and declined physical performance. These can appear decades before clinical diagnosis.
Currently there is no low-cost, non-invasive reliable method of diagnosing sarcopenia or assessing muscle health.
A graphic of a hand with a data signal and two question marks above it
A graphic of a muscle and a person slumped when walking

Aims & Objectives

An infographic of a tubular stocking with a data signal, a muscle, a scale with a smiling face at the top and a frowning face at the bottom. And an MRI scanner
This pilot study will record muscle activity and leg movement from wearable sensors enclosed in a tubular stocking. Data collected will be used to develop an index for quantification of muscle health. To validate the device, data will be compared with Magnetic resonance scan metrics.


A graphic showing two individuals with a muscle and data signal inside them. Between the two people there is a does not equal sign
Significant differences in sensor metrics are expected between young and older adults.